could the civil war have been avoided

Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided?
Answer I have read some of the answers to this question, and the one that stunned me was the one that suggested peaceful secession and blockading as "solutions
Answer The South could have won the civil war in many ways and at various points, even late into the war. There were several major reasons the South did NOT win the
Could the US Civil War have been. Could Slavery Have Been Avoided American Civil War Avoided Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided?
could the civil war have been avoided
How could the civil war have been.
11.12.2007 · Best Answer: If the North hadn't been so pushy for big & controlling government, it most likely could have been avoided. A common misconception about the
02.12.2006 · Best Answer: We know it was not over Slavery Lincoln reapeatedly offered to allow anyone back in the Union WITH THEIR SLAVES and a promise they could keep
Skip to comments. Could the Civil War Have Been Avoided? Discovery News ^ | October 15, 2002 | Jennifer Viegas Posted on 10/20/2002 8:01:28 PM PDT by Aurelius
Could the US Civil War have been.